London 2017/2018
A walk around the world capital. That means starting at 0°. Which is the meridian used to help find your location. Useful for the vast majority of people around the globe. Zero is also a major motive. With regard to maximisation.
Straightforward, as the global banker recommends. Dubai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo and NYC – all in line. That means coexistence. World-time begins with the right timing. Strolling around a cosmopolitan city, or rather a global village, is like circumnavigating the entire globe. In orbit – for all eternity, or soon perhaps only in our memory?
The Standard City, Image Series
0° 00′ 00″, Video Series
London Hop-On/Hop-Off, Image Series
Walk To Heathrow, Image Series
Exhibition Views LOSING LONDON (together with Beat Streuli), Zeller van Almsick, Vienna
Essay by Jade Niklai