VIE CEE – The Vision of a City Vienna Could be
The focus of the work is the vision of a possible Central-Eastern European capital. On tours starting from his center of vital interests, Vienna, the cities Wolfgang Lehrner explores are not longer than a one-day bus trip from Vienna.
The commonalities, the artist sees in these cities are historical, cultural, economic and traffic aspects. Guided by this motto he connects local deterministic observations and draws them into the center of attention. Only on closer inspection, complex interrelationships are visible in the seemingly simple, everyday images: The image of a city that could be Vienna.
Urban spaces are located, recorded and put together to a mind-sound-image-world. From more than 15 urban studies over 200 video sequences of various Central and Eastern European cities evolved and merge into several multi-channel video installations. Linear narrative patterns dissolve and reading becomes a place of writing - the reader becomes the author and the viewer becomes the image generator*.
* Barthes, Roland. The Death of the Autor
VIE CEE, Vienna Art Week, Bawag Contemporary, 2013
curated by Cornelis van Almsick
VIE CEE – The Vision of a City Vienna Could be.
Linen, 128 pages, 65 ills. in color
Texts by Cornelis van Almsick, Jade Niklai, Kristina Kulakova
Published by Verlag für Moderen Kunst
Exhibition: bmukk, Bawag PSK, Eurolines, Wien Kultur
Publication: bmukk, Erste MehrWERT, Franziska und Christian Hausmaninger